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Sue Mintz

Certified Retirement Transition Coach


With over 25 years of experience at AT&T, my primary focus was in the areas of Human Resources, Leadership Development, Communication & Training and Career Coaching. I was recognized for my highly effective training, facilitation skills, and ability to successfully collaborate with others to achieve desired results. 


When I retired, I felt comfortable with my financial plan. However, I didn’t know what I didn’t know about planning for the non- financial aspects of retirement. How was I going to structure my day? How would I continue to feel purposeful, valued, and socially engaged?  I realized I wasn’t the only one with these questions.


​Now, as a Certified Retirement Transition Coach, writer, workshop facilitator, and speaker, I offer clients a framework to follow when planning for the non-financial aspects of retirement. They will see retirement for what it truly is by going through a proven process that leads them to establish a variety of ways to remain healthy and active, and feel a sense of purpose and continuous fulfillment in this new phase of life.


​I received my Retirement Coaching certification through Retirement Options, a division of Career Partners International LLC.  As an active member of Retirement Coaches Association, I continue to learn from like-minded colleagues about best practices when helping retirees transition into this exciting phase of life! 


I am also a  certified "Now What" facilitator/coach.  Through this program I guide my clients from what they have done in the past to who they want to become in the future! 


Please contact me for a complimentary "get to know you" visit either via email or phone. or 214.676.1888.


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