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Meet Sue Mintz

Certified  Retirement Transition Coach

When I retired, I felt comfortable with my financial plan. However, I didn’t know what I didn’t know about planning for the non- financial aspects of retirement. How was I going to structure my day? How would I continue to feel purposeful, valued, and socially engaged?  I realized I wasn’t the only one with these questions.


"Once I finished taking the LifeOptions Profile™ I was both excited and overwhelmed with this new information about myself. My coach brought it all into focus and helped me take the insights and turn it into a powerful retirement plan. We spent many hours on the telephone together, and exchanged numerous emails over the course of several months. I began this process years before my actual retirement, and I can't imagine how I would have done it if I had not found my Retirement Options coach!" - Anonymous client

My Articles

I hope you enjoy perusing my articles about retirement! All articles are featured on FYI 50+, a resource for the 50's plus community. For more information visit

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

- Benjamin Franklin

Start Your Journey 

Retirement coaching is an essential investment in order to make a smooth transition from work-life to home-life. My programs are designed to prepare you to make a successful transition by focusing on the five key areas of retirement: mental, social, financial, spiritual, and physical.



Call:  (214) 676-1888    |   Email:

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 The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered an endorsement of any sort or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security.

© 2021 Retirementhood | Sue Mintz

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